May 16, 2010

Call for Testers!

This build of wikisrvd is the first test-drive version that is combined with javascript based LaTeX maths rendering by jsMath.

Some changes:
  1. The default listening port is changed from 8080 to 8082. The port 8080 is predominantly used by apps like, and in these apps the port is usually fixed, and not changeable by users.
  2. So the start page of Wiki2Touch Server for this build goes to or http://localhost:8082/ (or other domain/ip address that applies to your case).
  3. Simple maths are rendered when the loading of page is done. (And this still takes some time in some large articles. You can see the percentage done is increasing while jsMath is processing these parts.)
  4. Longer/more complicated maths are displayed in green color, and you can click it to begin rendering a particular piece.
  5. Options for jsMath is at the lower right corner when you scroll the page to top.
  6. According to my experience, it is better to select 'Use images for symbols only' in the options for the balance of quality and compatibility.
  7. All the jsMath fonts are included, and it is consisted of quite A LARGE NUMBER of small image files, taking about 240MB after decompression (according to `du -sh`).
  8. Installing process of this .deb package is slow due to decompression of a large number of small files, so make yourself a cup of tea after you key in 'dpkg -i wikisrvd-1.2.20100515.deb' followed by an 'enter'.

Mar 5, 2010

`Wiki2Touch Server' on theBigBoss repository updated

Thanks to the effort to BigBoss and colleagues, Wiki2Touch Server on BigBoss is updated to the latest stable build on my project site(, which support large dump files, i.e. .dat file that is larger than about 4GB), though the version leapt from 0.x.x to 1.x.x for technical reason.

You can upgrade your Wiki2touch server on Cydia after jailbreaking.

Feb 12, 2010

A bold plan

  • To rewrite a new indexer, to support the original articles.xml.bz2 from Wikipedia + a small separated title-index file (to save a lot of downloading time from 3rd-party sharing sites).
    - almost done,
    e.g. xml.bz2 like the 400MB Chinese one, indexed into three files of total 26MB, further compressed as 12MB.
  • To rewrite the TitleIndex, WikiMarkupGetter, WikiMarkupParser, Main, Settings in order to support the change above.
  • Ajax-Polling for template - the timeout in Safari is too short for the most complicated templates.
  • JSMath integration: rendering-on-demand.